Change of routine for SO's and safety crews - 28th April 2019

OODs and SOs please note that the old safety crates have been replaced by a safety box, which should remain on board the Dory’s in the steering console even when garaged up. Please do not remove. Each box has the correct spare kill cord for the different engines.

The only gear that need to be lifted into the boat before your duty, is a ladder and radio: everything else should be on board, but please check for paddles, anchor etc, which are stowed either under the seat or front locker.


With the summer approaching that it is essential that two boats are prepared for SO duty, even on a nice day! Engines can break down and a spare boat may be needed. SO crews have a duty of care to all lake users, so keep on eye on wandering canoes and wobbly Toppers as well as racers. Attend every capsize promptly and speak to the crew to establish they are OK in case another boat capsizes. When tying up a Dory always remove the kill cord and hang it on the steering wheel.

Thanks for your help, Alistair Baird, Chief Powerboat Instructor