Radio Controlled Sailing
Whitefriars has been our base for a number of years and we have seen our numbers grow steadily.
Our IOM racing has continued to develop and we now see fleets of 12-15 boats racing in all weathers and we hear of several brand new boats on order.
The DF95s sailing is proving a very attractive class for newcomers and seasoned pros alike and we now have 12 -15 boats in the club with 10 or so sailing every Friday.
We have ample opportunities for both experts and novices alike and offer competitive racing in good sized fleets. Our members regularly provide one-on-one tuition where required and offer weekly training sessions where you’ll find friendly help to get your boat going well. If you’re new to the sport we’ll do our best to have a variety of boats available for you to sail to help you decide which class of boat suits your needs best.
for more information please have a look at