Miracle Southern Area Championship and Comet Trio Open Meeting 1-2 July 2023
2 races Saturday, 13:30 start
3 races Sunday, 10:30 start
3 of 5 races to count
Entry fee per boat : - £25 for both days or £15 for Sunday only.
❖ Saturday evening BBQ and Dessert - £12 per person. Child under 12 year £10.00 Vegetarian option by request.
Note: We need to know catering numbers by Sat 24th June 2023 {Please confirm Sat evening meal requirements by email to:- [email protected]}
❖ Hot drinks and cake available on Saturday.
❖ Breakfast Bacon and Egg Rolls and Ploughman’s Lunch available Sunday at galley prices
• NOR and Sailing instructions available here and here
• Camping available Friday and Saturday £5
Please arrange prior by contacting Dave Dyson - 07989 492534
• Cash or card payments available
Lake 26, Cotswold Water Park, Ashton Keynes, SN6 6QR
For more information:
Paul Robinson – 07395 995792